“To do good, you actually have to do something.”

Yvon Chouinard Patagonia Inc

Travel Positive

Travel Positive is all about creating holidays which are great for you, great for local people and care for our planet.

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Exceptional and beautifully local they may be, but we cannot hide the fact that holidays are responsible for significant damage to the planet in the form of carbon emissions.

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We take responsibility for the carbon produced by our holidays and do something about it. For every kilometre travelled by air, road and sea, we carbon balance it by a mile. That's 160%.

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To be certain that our action is makes a verifiable difference over the long-term, we support a world-class community development project in Nicaragua, built around reforestation.

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Our actions are not absolution and we will continue to learn and share ideas. But as Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia Inc. once said "To do good, you actually have to do something."

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And our actions are doing good, right now, for the people of rural Nicaragua and for our wide and wonderful planet. This is only made possible by people like you choosing to travel with us.

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It is our responsibility to make your holiday planet positive, from your front door and back again. So our actions will not cost you a penny, nor should they.

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Exceptional holidays start with having a specialist in your corner. By travelling more extensively in fewer countries, our knowledge runs deeper and we can better look after the places you visit.

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So by combining our specialist knowledge, local connections and our commitment to certifiably responsible travel with your vision of an exceptional holiday, we can do special things together...

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Staying in owner-run guesthouses is another way to enjoy a richer and deeper connection to the places you visit. There’s no sense of shutting the door on your destination at the end of each day.

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As well as helping their cultures and identities flourish, small-scale tourism keeps local people in local employment. Our direct relationships mean your money goes straight to them, not intermediaries.

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Genuinely meaningful and organic connections with locals will enrich your travels enormously. And we make sure they enrich the lives of those who welcome you in equal measure.

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Travel is an extraordinary thing. It has the power to enrich our lives immensely and, done right, small-scale tourism can help local communities thrive and biodiversity to flourish.

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As an antidote to overtourism, our trips give you the confidence and freedom to explore beautiful places that few have heard of, where nature dictates and life rumbles on in all its bumpy beauty.

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So, on a trip from the UK to Peru and the Galápagos Islands, instead of the 3.96 tonnes of CO2 produced, we pay to mitigate 6.24 tonnes. That equates to 39 trees, instead of 23.

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Wherever you go, from the people you meet and the places you stay, to the food on your plate and the wine in your glass, your holiday will be deeply rooted into its local surroundings.

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In their article highlighting the 11 best sustainable tour operators, The Independent praised our initiatives as "one of the travel industry’s most ambitious carbon mitigation plans".

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For those places that are too special to miss, we have created new ways for you to experience their true majesty in their quieter moments. If you only come once, let’s make it count.

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Exceptional Holidays

Peru machu picchu in sunlight c michael edey pura
Spain andalucia cordoba subbetica casa olea close up smoking chimney c diego
Argentina patagonia calafate perito moreno boat tour nibepo south view point c glaciar sur Florian von der Fecht

Unique ways to experience iconic sights without the crowds; the confidence and freedom to explore beautiful places you might never have heard of; delightful locals to welcome, guide and spoil you...

Those are just a few ways we can make your holiday truly exceptional.

That's the best thing about having a truly specialist tour operator in your corner - because we've collectively spent so much time in 'our' countries, we know the places we want to share with you inside out, we know which places are best left to others and we have direct connections with the people we want to introduce you to.

By combining our specialist knowledge, local connections and our commitment to certifiably responsible travel with your vision of an exceptional holiday, we can do special things together, you and us...

Read More: Exceptional Holidays

Beautifully Local

Chile carretera austral pumalin luisa tampier c tompkins conservation
Spain picos de europa centenary group covadonga shepherd humartini gamoneu cheese
Costa rica tenorio rio perdido smiling gustavo and coffee20180829 76980 14fezv8

From the people you meet and the places you stay, to the food on your plate and the wine in your glass, your exceptional holiday will be deeply rooted into its local surroundings.

We know from talking to our guests that these sorts of lasting connections and experiences mean the world to them - stories to tell the grandchildren, pictures to hang on the wall, memories to paste into scrapbooks.

We'd love to help you create your own.

Because we work directly with our partners overseas, all part of the Pura family, we can pick up the phone and talk directly to Fernanda in sunny Alentejo or Eric in the tropical forests of Costa Rica to fine-tune any detail of your holiday and make your trip more special yet. These connections will enrich your travels enormously. We make sure they enrich the lives of those who welcome you in equal measure.

So let’s talk about your holiday - the places you’ll go, the things you’ll do and, naturally, the wonderful local people you’ll meet.

Read More: Beautifully Local

Certified B Corp

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As one of the first travel companies in the UK to be certified B Corp, we believe in travel as a force for good. Your holiday is designed with the best endeavours to respect our home planet, the people you meet and the places you visit.

Since July 2019 we’ve operated what The Independent has described as "one of the travel industry’s most ambitious carbon mitigation plans", funded by our commitment to use 1% of our revenue to create a positive environmental legacy.

For every kilometre you travel with us by air, road and sea on our holidays, from your front door and back again, we carbon compensate by a mile. That’s 160% of your trip’s carbon mitigated.

All of our partners receive a fair local wage. And because we work directly with the majority, they keep 100% of the money we pay, rather than having it diluted by intermediaries. In rural areas where opportunities are scarce, this small scale tourism allows local people to stay in local employment.

By accessing more national parks and biosphere reserves, your visit creates a financial imperative which preserves ecosystems long term. Better still, your money helps fund conservation projects such as those which returned Bearded vultures to the Picos mountains and pumas to the grasslands of Patagonia.

Read More: Certifiably Responsible

Exceptional Holidays

Best in class holidays, service, characterful hotels, lovely locals, food and beautiful walks - that's what our clients tell us they love about our holidays, as noted in the highest possible 5* Feefo Platinum Award.

ATOL and ABTOT protected.

Certified B Corp

We are one of the first UK travel companies to be certified B Corp – regarded by The Independent as the premier sustainability certification, and described by Which? as "meeting the highest standards of social and environmental performance".

Meeting a shepherd, Picos de Europa

Award-winning Travel Positive

We are proud to have been recipients of awards from both Wanderlust and LUXLife for our sustainable Travel Positive initiative, that includes balancing carbon by 160%, and providing 1% of our revenue to the planet.