¡Pura vida! (But don't forget to confirm your email...)

¡Muchas gracias! We hope you gain a lot of inspiration and food for thoughts from our 5 part Costa Rica Expert Guides. We're itching to get you started with the first chapter, but we just need you to confirm your email first - it should be waiting for you in your inbox. Once you do, you'll have this little lot to look forward to:
Day 1 - An introduction to the tastes of Costa Rica Day 2 - Our guide to Costa Rica's mammals Day 3 - Costa Rica's best adventure activities & where to do them Day 4 - Costa Rica without the crowds Day 5 - Costa Rican lodges we'd happily revisit tomorrow
The Pothole is Pura Aventura's popular monthly email. We share what we love, what interests us and what we find challenging. And we don't Photoshop out the bits everyone else does. We like to think our considered opinions provide food for thought, and will sometimes put a smile on your face. They've even been known to make people cry. You can click here to subscribe and, naturally, unsubscribe at any time.